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How not to get a pink slip?
Narayan Picture
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Posted 10-02-2009Reply


In the current business scenario, come Friday, issuance of pink slip has become the norm of the industry. Let me share my views on the article from Times of India, 29th January 2009 by Dr M I M Nerruzii

1.0 There are many ominous headlines about job cuts that make it to the news every day. So much so, that an innocuous call from the HR manager can send a shiver down the spine of many, however indispensable they think they may be. People have become paranoid; the spectre of job loss is haunting them and affecting their professional and personal lives.

2.0 Gone are the days when employees ranted more about privileges and less about performance. People who asked why I should walk the extra mile are now asking what more can I do to retain my job.

3.0 Here are some valuable tips which will help you give a slip to that dreaded pink slip:

3.1 Be clear about your organizations, team’s, department’s goals. Find out how your job complements these goals. Make sure you have a vital role to play in the accomplishment of these goals. If things are hazy and you are not clear about the objectives, have a friendly but meaningful chat with your immediate boss and seek clarity.

3.2 In today’s corporate world, inputs and outs are constantly measured and monitored. Make sure you hit the numbers and also put in the best of efforts. Constantly strive to enhance the quality of your work. You’ll not only make yourself more valuable, your employer will think twice before entertaining any thought of replacing you.

3.3 You need to keep asking yourself, “What value addition am I doing to the organization?” The day you are not able to add value you become vulnerable and are viewed as a dispensable and are viewed as a dispensable commodity or still worse a liability.

3.4 Being a versatile player with an ability to handle more than one portfolio is viewed by organizations today as an asset. Though not routinely at least occasionally they would like you to rise up to occasion and handle more than one task and your ability to do that is an insurance against job loss. Be prepared to multi-task but make sure you don’t lose your focus.

3.5 Relationship management with your associates at this juncture is of paramount importance. The last thing an organization would like to have during these troubled times is an interpersonal problem of any kind. Nurture and maintain good relationships with all, avoid conflict.

3.6 Make sure that you are a good team player and that everything you do complements the team’s efforts and is in best interest of the team.

3.7 Develop useful relationships with people in all departments in the organization, when people from other departments approach you for some official help treat them as you internal customers and provide them the same level of customer service you’ll provide to an external customer.

3.8 Many of us are good performers and bad projectors. Make sure that the ones who matter in the organization know about your contribution; do this subliminally and not blatantly. Improve your visibility but don’t over do it, lest it be mistaken for populism

3.9 While working on important projects keep in constant communication with he project heads and managers concerned, inform them of the progress and keep them in the loop. In case you are going to miss deadlines, alert those of the impending delay well in advance don’t give a last minute jolt.

3.10 Don’t say “no problem” to every challenge that comes your way just to be in good books of the management. Heroics occasionally are good but when there are genuine challenges, acknowledge them, record your concerns and apprehensions and keep all concerned informed about your actions plans and the possible outcomes. Also put on record what contingency plans you have in mind in the event of the set back maintain total transparency.

3.11 One trait, employers universally savour is pro-activeness. Be known as a self starter and not a kick starter. If you are a compulsive push starter be prepared to rest in peace.

3.12 Remember an ounce of loyalty to the company and integrity is better than a pound of shrewdness. Be smart; No need to be clever.

4.0 Please rate yourself in scale of 10, as to where you stand; and you know your place under the sun.

5.0 What I believe?

5.1 I am writing this, to explain the environment as on date; I do not believe in “Pink slips”.

5.2 But, better to part with those with questionable integrity, irrespective of the economy / co-performance (3.12)

5.3 A company need to take care of all colleagues during ups and downs of the organization; and the feelings has to be mutual.

Excerpts from:

Times of India

29th January 2009

Dr M I M Nerruzii

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