HR Forum topics Started by Vasanth Kumar

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HR Forum Replies by Vasanth Kumar

Hello Pradeep
Much appreciate your impressive input on why HR does the first.
It must also be a practice to involve HR in all consequent interactions with the prospective employee.
After all HR has the expertise in Behavioural Science scanning.
Looking forward to keeping in touch
Vasanth Kumar
Hello Priya
Thats smart advice from a rather young HR pro.
But, yes it is a fact, that we do snoop around.
Not necessarily on everyone, but yes if you are on the list, then even your commas and full stops are being screened.
Please also understand that it is also part of industrial espionage activity, cause a lot of critical info could be shared with others.
We actually, to not voyeur into private lives, yes we keep ourselves updated to analyse a personality.
Regards and best wishes
Vasanth Kumar
Hello Priya
Your article on 1 on 1 is thought provoking.
But I am of the opinion that we are producing only managers not leaders.
Managers tend to go by the book and treat staff like a number.
Leaders beleive in leading, mentoring,coaching and thus have regular 1 on 1s with the team.
While it is definitely a fact that such 1 on 1s are essential for team morale and thus performance, it is also a fact that many 'managers' do not look forward to such interaction.
Whatever the reasons for such behaviour - role models, etc. - the fact is also that it is essential that we treat our team members as unique individuals, who have to be understood well to enable them to grow professionally and personally.
Catch you later!
Vasanth Kumar
Priya Hello again !
Not just between jobs..but always !
Remember, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!'
What you have listed are tools for self development and are great as stress busters.
Keep up the great work!
Bye for now
Vasanth Kumar
Replied to "The 12 Worst Absence Excuses Ever..." in Motivation!!
Hello Priya
Happy 19th of March - 'cause we are alive with great friends and a family...and a job!
Number 8, about the vet and his dog is great!
Reminds me of my nephew who told his mother he was sick, soon after breakfast. His mother complained to her husband, who like a responsible and just father, came to the table and had a mouthful of what the kid had.
And guess what.... he fell sick too! He faked it ofcourse, but the kid laughed his guts out and forgot about his 'reported' illness!
Hope to keep in touch
Vasanth Kumar
That is a great way to keep off the blues!
Actually, I am very tempted to circulate this among many whom I know, who are wallowing in self-pity and a sense of doom.
Can I?
Once again that is a great input you have posted. Keep it up!
While it was and is believed that employees leave companies because of the bosses and not because of the organisation, i feel it is a fact that employees enjoy their work and stay on in organisations because they do not deal with MANAGERS B LEADERS !
It is high time, managers stop being managers and transform into LEADERS.

Vasanth Kumar

Vasanth Picture

L & D Consultant
Consultant In Corporate Training And Life Skills Training
Hyderabad, AP

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