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HR Forum topics Started by Raman Tsktsk

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HR Forum Replies by Raman Tsktsk

Replied to "TALENT Vs EXPERIANCE " in Compensation and Benefits!!
Talent vs. experience, in a nutshell.
When I attmepted this reply I had Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid in mind.

Sure, it's kind of a simplistic way to look at things, but the question of one versus the other forces us to make some concessions here.

The point is this: I've worked with folks who only brought experience to the table. I've worked with folks who brought only talent to the table.

The first didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. They didn't solve any problems. They didn't get anything done that was worth talking about. They were invariably the guardians of the status-quo.

The talented ones brought new ideas to the table. They brought new ways of looking at problems and dealing with them. They brought enthusiasm and great instincts. More than anything, they always asked the right questions. The experienced guys didn't.

Why is this important?
Because talent brings with it a much more effective learning curve than hard work with no talent.

When I have to make the final submission I would say:
Experience can be gained. Talent can't. Talent, by its very nature always accelerates experience.

How much you make now is very relative indeed, and comparison will not help either. However when beginning a career, it's more important to see that you get exposed to as many areas as possible, - whether you like all of it or not, or only some of it. It's the seeds that you sow for your future.
Here is a small statement from personal experience..."A nut with high self belief, stay buried in the soil and hung on despite the varying weather, the winds and what not. The seed grew and today stands an oak in that place."
If you can imbibe this philosophy, you are sure to grow.
Best wishes.
TSK. Raman
Replied to "HR" in Best HR Practices!!
Hi Kavita,

An interesting topic indeed and here are the in-puts.

Engagement of the whole person to earn true commitment to the company and it's value proposition. It means engaging not just a great mind, not just pay and benefits (which another employer can always match).

Alignment of the individuals aspirations and skills and capabilities to deliver to the customer, with the business strategy -- ensuring that all employees understand what the business is about and how they contribute to the value proposition, making sure that rewards, recognition, organization structure, all support this alignment

Best practice is to be willing to pay to attract and retain talent, then let them do what you hired them to do, with appropriate rewards. If the organizational culture and its future prospects are bright, they will never leave or be bid
away from you.

A Healthy, Happy and a Zero-Politics Workplace
Open Book Management Style
Performance Management Feedback System that encourages development
Fair Evaluation System For Employees
Knowledge Sharing
Highlight Performers
Open House Discussions And Feedback Mechanisms
Reward Ceremonies
Delight Employees With The Unexpected

These are things that were put into practice and tasted success. It isn't just theory.
TSK. Raman


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Consulting Advisor
Hyderabad, AP


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