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HR Forum topics Started by Asha Mathew

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HR Forum Replies by Asha Mathew

Replied to "For whome HR should work?" in Best HR Practices!!
Can you explain the issue im detail...?
What was the area that deproved u of "Authority"?
Replied to "*4 Boy friends*" in Motivation!!
I don have words to say how good the article is..

How true!

Replied to "For whome HR should work?" in Best HR Practices!!

Can you answer - whose favor does the Priest talk for during vows being exchanged at the Marriage Ceremony? The Bride or the Bridegroom?

The role of the HR is to ensure that the Employees work for the management without holding any regrets in mind - in being truthful in all decisions made, in not cheating the employer but be truly dedicated to the Management...

In the process of the employee trying to be good.... the HR must make sure that the employees' needs are nor rejected either. The HR must creat an atmosphere where the employee can work and perform as per above requirements / vows made during selection.

In the same process... Sometimes Management forgets the vows made by them - which HR has to remind them once in a while... ;-)

I just answered it in a lighter way..

But I can say that HR is like the lady of the house. HR is the bridge between these two ends - - - -

Management --------------- Bridge (HR) ----------- Employees

Good Presentation..

But on thinking if this would be a secret to recession success, I am doubtful if people can bounce back from the low self image that "may/might" have been created due to loss of job. The wait for a better job is a painful one!

The presentation helps a lot on the personal front!

Good. I am in if there is a meet going to be held.

We can pool in people, by sending requests. Lets confirm on a date and also a few topics to be discussed on.


Good question!

I would say - Me being happy - makes money!


If I have a positive self image, I am a confident person.
I am aware of my abilities and know that I can achieve what I desire, provided I prepare myself with a dash of teh right attitude. My confidence, my positive attitude can help me achieve what I desire.
Now my desires are split into personal and professional end.
I can achieve my professional desire if I am a happy person, and can definitely make money out of it.

On theother end - if I think I can make money and then I would happy... I would still get back to the fuel for making money - so I hunt for the area that I have a passion for, and then look at how I can make money out of it.
So thats back to square one - I search for what makes me happy and I try mapping from there!

Hello Piyush,

I believe a Recruiter should possess Good Networking skills. There is no great achievement in sourcing for available profiles on job boards, but the passive candidates are truly the best hires.
Referrals through networking will be a good source for hiring.

A recruiter must be time bound - so time management skills have a good amount of importance stressed on it

And - As a recruiter its very essential we keep intouch with candidates who were interviewed and provide them feedback - on time. Irrespective of a positive or negative feedback

Last but not the least - people must not feel that you were kidding abt the role !
Be serious and be polite in answering.

- Regs,


Hi Priyanka,

Trust me HR is not something that we can do away with.
But most of the companies dont realize that HR is fuel for better employee productivity.
In ur views, you say that HR is outsourced because its not that important?
Thats not the case here - a few business activities are outsourced considering the cost and quality factor. Take for instance - FMCGs outsource the packing function - becuase of better qulaity at cheaper prices and better technology to support their needs.

Same with HR outsourcing- its a search for the best and cost effective too.

Coming back to your question again - is HR worth.
Well, this is thetime we need to re-structure and see how we can reset the KRAs and identify in house training, and make it a better productive place!

HR is necessary to re assure the employees that the Employer - will not turn as a company that consider people as machinery... HR is like teh lady of the house.
We need HR to make sure other top talent continue existing with the company!

Take care!

Asha Mathew

Asha Picture

HR Recruitments
SPM Limited (KG Group)
Coimbatore, TN


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