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How do we gain confidence ?

Views 8 Views    Comments 0 Comments    Share Share    Posted by Arun 10-10-2008  

How do we gain confidence?

Somebody asked me this question and I responded with - excellent question, I’d have to say we gain confidence by taking the chance. The outcome may be what we desired or it may be different but the fact that we took chance gives us confidence. This works with some phobias. I have the height phobia. I try to look below from heights without getting afraid. Small heights first. The phobia is very much there but I will conquer it soon. I have the confidence now. Let me list few important points about confidence-

Begin with confidence and you will know you can do just about anything you choose.

Confidence comes from attempting to do things and recognizing our efforts or accomplishments. A person does not become confident riding a bicycle until they have done it, but they need some confidence that they can learn to ride it, or they will not try.

If you get negative results do not see them as a FAILURE rather than an education and merely a temporary set back. The more kudos you can give to yourself for trying your best, the better your chances of success next time.

Confidence is built from success and what you learn from failure.

Confidence is all about a positive mind-set.

A small child does not know how to walk but looking at others walking he gets the confidence that he too can walk. Observe successful people. that gives confidence.

Think of what you are confident about and pull up your shoulders.

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