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Views 1 Views    Comments 0 Comments    Share Share    Posted by Arun 02-01-2009  
There were situations where I felt that life was really simple. I had no sense of responsibility other than chasing after butterflies and fighting with my little friends over simple issues. There were situations where I felt life is too much and too complicated to understand. I was a part of the rat race running without a sense of direction due to the competition among my own friends. There were situations where I felt that life is not worthwhile fighting for when I was criticized by people who did not have a sense of humor. But one would say that these are typical experiences that every single individual go through in their life cycle. Yes, I would not say ‘No’. But I would not say ‘yes’ either.

People make mistakes. Some make mistakes not knowing it is a mistake. But some make mistakes pretending that they do not know it is a mistake. But we know that most of people they learn from their mistakes and will not repeat the same. If somebody does the same mistake over and over again then something should be wrong in that person. Either in genetically or otherwise.

This is not about making mistakes or repeating mistakes. But what would happen if people label you as a liar or a thief (May be something worst than that) even though you are not. This is where people volunteer to play the role of ‘Hitler’ by keep on lying until people accept it as the truth. Let me explain the psychological side of it. When people hear something it goes to the short term memory of them. If they happen to be exposed to the same thing, lets say a piece of information, over and over again it goes to the long term memory which is almost permanent and then people start believing in it and based on their belief they develop a kind of ‘prejudice’ mind set about it. It can happen to an individual as well. Let’s say your best friend does not like a person at all and he or she keeps on criticizing this person. There is a tendency you also would develop kind of unfavorable attitude towards that person. Let’s take another example. Say, you are going to a new place and you have a tendency to believe in what other people say about people, places, and environment. You are told a particular person is not good and never to associate with. You would not change your mindset about that person through out your life unless and otherwise you have a compelling reason to do so. Because your behavior could be influenced by your friends and you tend to keep away from that person. You even go to the extent of telling other people that you are known to, the same thing ‘hey, that guy is bad’. By design people are risk averse and tend to keep away from risky things. It can happen to a tangible thing as well. Let’s take ‘Cocoanut Oil’. You would know more about cholesterol than coconut oil. Because, the awareness has been created by non coconut oil producers through media that coconut oil is not good. This process is referred to as ‘Media Hype’. It is obvious that people’s opinions have a huge impact on almost everything in the world. Through out our life we could observe how some businesses have gone down, how some products have failed, and how some known personalities ruined their life due to the so called ‘freedom of expression’.

We, people, are supposed to be intelligent to some extent as we have the ability to see, think and question. But the problem is whether we make use of it or not. Because we find it is quite easy to accept something which is already defined and described rather than trying to redefine what is defined. Worst part of this human error is the amount of harm it can do to a person in terms of damaging a personality. Have we ever thought of how our opinion about someone could adversely affect his or her future or even his goodwill for that matter? Could you recall number of situations where you volunteered yourself to criticize somebody or to defend somebody’s opinion on a person whom you have not adequately associated with? Could you recall how many times you were influenced by your closer friends not to associate with somebody? I know you would have accepted it with the spirit of friendship thinking it is for your own good. ‘True’ there are may be situations like that. I would not say ‘No’.

People have rights to hold their own opinions about themselves and others. But question is how ethical it is to justify your opinion with others or try to get people to endorse your opinions especially if it is regarding an individual.

My effort here is to make you understand how harmful it is or the damage that you would do to a person by justifying somebody else’s opinion. If you could recall the story of a person who picked up a peace of thread on the road and how he was criticized by people saying that he picked up something valuable which was lost by somebody else and how he suffered through out his life to the death due to the humiliation. How many times have we done this even without knowing?

I really would not know how hard it is when you are being criticized due to some nasty things that you have done or unacceptable social image that you have created as a result of your own actions. But I would definitely know how hard it is when you are being criticized for something that you have not done.

Moral of the story. If you already hold some opinions about some people this is the high time that you got to rethink about them as whether your opinions are right or not. If you are influenced by somebody this is the time to see whether you are gonna take it for granted. It is always advisable to use your brain and the unique ability that we have as human that is to see, think and question especially when it comes to individuals.

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