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Believe In Yourself!!!!

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t sounds like it should be easy to do, but how many of us actually truly do believe in ourselves?
So what does it actually mean to believe in oneself anyway?
Is it about being conceited and boastful? Or is it something more humble and sincere?
Having genuine belief in yourself encompasses the following:

 Self-Confidence
 Knowing Yourself
 Loving Yourself
 Knowing Your Strengths
 Recognizing Your Weaknesses
 Standing Up For Yourself
 Standing Up For What You Believe In

The list, in reality, is probably quite extensive. But the above points are some of the most important ones when dealing with the subject of a person believing in themselves: Being confident about who they are, comfortable in their own skin, knowing who they are and what they want in life.
This brings us to the key point, the single most important element in cultivating a true and positive belief in oneself.
Get to know yourself.
Without genuinely knowing yourself inside and out, how can you possibly be expected to have confidence and belief in yourself? We all know ourselves to some degree, but how many of us truly, deeply know ourselves? Have you ever sat down and truthfully analyzed who you are, what you want and what you are about?
So how do we get to really know ourselves?
The first place to start is to gather the opinions of those around you. Family and friends. People who have known you closely for a long period of time. Start out by asking them what they think your good points are, and what they feel you could improve upon. Although this is a little personal, it is the most objective way of gathering vital feedback to learn more about yourself.
Secondly, make two lists. One titled “Strengths” and one titled “Weaknesses”. Fill these lists out yourself with your own opinions of what you consider your strengths and weaknesses to be. Now these lists can include such things as character traits, skills, talents, your physical appearance. Anything that is applicable to yourself.
Once this is done, make another two lists. One titled “Likes” and the other “Dislikes”. Don’t limit yourself with these lists. Include anything from food to movies to music tastes. Anything at all. Make all of your lists long and extensive.
Now compile another list, this one titled “Goals”. Fill this list with an eclectic summary of anything and everything you would like to do or achieve in life. This list is just as important as the others as it tells you where you want to go and who you want to be along life’s journey.
Don’t just compile these lists, file them away in a drawer and forget about them. Review them regularly. Add to them as you think of more things. Getting to know yourself is a process. It’s not something that can be achieved in one day. And, on top of that, you are a growing, evolving human being. Things on these lists will change over time as you do. Always keep the lists up to date.
Remind yourself of your good points and exhibit those to the world. Work on your weaker areas and try to improve them. Make it a daily goal to do both of these things.
To further build self-confidence, practice stepping outside your comfort zone. Make yourself do things you are naturally not that comfortable doing. Meet new people. Set out to achieve something you’ve always wanted to do but have been putting off. Doing these things builds you confidence levels and self-belief. It’s worth it.
This has just been a very brief overview of how to believe in yourself, but it will get you started on the right track. We all have positive things about us to offer this world. The trick is learning what they are and utilizing those positives while at the same time downplaying and improving on our weaknesses.
Every one of us deserves to be filled with confidence and an undying and genuine belief in ourselves as being invaluable and priceless human beings.

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