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Are u Learning

Views 3 Views    Comments 0 Comments    Share Share    Posted by Arun 05-03-2009  
Whoever you are , whether self-employed, or whether you are an
employee, whether you are parent, whether you are a student we all
need to be learning. To stand still, to learn no more, or worse than
that to think we know all there is to know, is a major mistake.
Standing still, learning no more can result in relationships ruined,
marriages destroyed, loss of income.

Many times age is used as an excuse. I am to old to learn it is to
late for me. Or on the opposite side, I have lots of time to learn.
For the self-employed person, if you are not aware of your customer`s
needs, of the latest developments in your field, you can be sure your
competition is. You may find your competition will use their knowledge
and find methods and levers that will attract your customer.

For the employee, if your rely on only your past experience and do not
keep abreast of changing concepts you may find change may be needed
and the change may be you. Many companies are competing in
environments that previously were stable, however, today our global
world is changing the playing field and companies are finding that
they are competing on a world wide basis and they need their employees
to keep pace and continue to develop and learn.

For a parent, if you feel there is no need to learn and develop
yourself, if you rely on the knowledge of your own up bringing, you
may find you will have problems in relating to your children and you
will not have an understanding of their world. The world we were
brought up in is very different than the world of today. A very simple
example is the knowledge and information that is available through the
internet. You may say well we don`t have a computer, however, the
majority of schools have access to computers and the internet is
rapidly becoming a tool used in schools.

For the student, if you would prefer to party or watch TV rather than
learn you will find you will be missing opportunities that would have
been available to you in future years.

For those who think they are to old to learn, then the truth is you
are old. As when you stop learning, you truly do start to age.
Learning is an opportunity to apply your skill to an area perhaps you
only dreamed of previously. It is never to late to learn.
Relationships, marriages are ruined where one person continues to
learn, develop and grow and the other person stands still. What
happens is the once wonderful relationship is now miles apart.
There are so many ways we can obtain knowledge today, there is no
reason for people not to continue to learn and grow. With access to
libraries, internet, community courses to colleges, universities there
truly is no excuse. Where you live is no longer an excuse,
communication tools (such as the phone, internet, fax) allow us to
learn no matter where our location is.

By developing a continuous learning lifestyle, you will find
opportunities, new ideas, the value you bring will make a difference
in your life and the lives of those around you.

Growing and developing yourself, does not mean you need to be enrolled
in a 5 year university course, it could be as simple as learning one
new thing a day. One step at a time. Small learning develops into
massive learning over time. If you consciously learned one new thing a
day, over time if would become a way of life for you.

Don`t ever stop learning.

Let learning be a never ending journey!

Here are some further thoughts on learning.

A flower needs sunlight to grow and develop. Learning is like sunshine
to us, helping us grow and develop.

We all have choices to learn or not to learn. However, with choices
come results. You can not expect positive results if we choose to
limit ourselves to our existing knowledge.

Looking at unsuccessful companies is a good analogy to what happens
when we become set in our ways, when we become complacent, when we
think we know it all and there is no need to learn more or to keep
pace with changing developments. Those type of companies are no longer
in business.

Imagine how stagnant our world would be if we all stopped learning at
a certain age.

A whole new world opens for us as we learn and develop ourselves.
Don`t wait for someone to tell you what you need to learn, be
proactive look around you, look at your strengths and weaknesses,
where should your focus be in what you need to learn?

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