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All there is...!!! (2)

Views 1 Views    Comments 0 Comments    Share Share    Posted by 08-05-2009  
The answer is quite simple… we feel alone because we are focussing on the wrong energy. We are focusing on the energy of chaos. We are focusing on the competition. We are focusing on the smallest percent of reality.

Remember, the universe is energy. This energy is arranged into patterns by the thought process of the mind of the Creator. We interact with this energy and create an interpretation of what it all means. But that is all we have: simply an interpretation. Our own minds create an image of the universe based upon only a small amount of information! All we experience are the patterns of energy that we attract to ourselves!

Our minds are capable of creating cause and effect too. Yet we experience only a fraction of the potential of our thoughts quite simply because we are not focusing upon the reality of the situation! We are focussing upon the effects! Not the cause! We are experiencing the effects of each others thinking process, which is flawed because it is focused merely upon the material realm… the effect!

If we were to open up to the cause, then the effects would pale into insignificance!

The true source of anything can only ever be found at the beginning, the cause, the source or the place of origin. That place is the mind of the Creator. Like I said earlier, the First Cause is not the actual mind of the Creator, it is the thinking process, the ideas that issue forth from that Mind!

We only ever experience the actual ideas, not the mind behind the ideas. We become part of the effect instead of part of the cause. In which case, that false reality causes the illusion of separation.

It’s like we are vibrating at a lower rate than the mind of the Creator, and are therefore experiencing a different channel! (like watching another channel of our TV.)

If all energy comes from the same source, it stands to reason that we are only separated because we experience a different rate of vibration, a lower rate than that of our Source.

The lowest rate of vibration is that of matter. Physical reality vibrates much lower than spiritual reality. Therefore, it becomes obvious that we are bogged down with a lower vibratory rate than that of our Source, and it is this difference of wavelength that creates the illusion of separation!

In reality, our energy is exactly the same as that of the Creator, it merely manifest different characteristics because the rate of vibration is lower.

It’s like the difference between water and ice. At the molecular level, water and ice are identical; both are h20: - 2 atoms of hydrogen attached to 1 atom of oxygen.

Because the vibratory rate of the ice has been slowed down by the cold, the ice manifests a crystalline appearance, whilst the water is fluid. Nothing has changed the core of the molecular structure, that remains constant (h20), but the physical attributes of the ice are altered beyond all recognition!!! The fluidity and elasticity of water gives way to the hardness and crystalline solidity of ice.

At the core both substances are identical, but the lower vibratory rate causes the ice to behave completely different!

It is the same with our energy and that of the Creator.

Because the Creator is the ultimate Mind, and the Source of everything, it vibrates at the highest rate. We, however, have been altered (like the ice) by slowing the frequency. We are identical at the core of our existence, but manifest different characteristics. And the material realm in which we are trapped vibrates at the slowest possible frequency, which hides from us the other channels that are broadcasting around us, through us and over us without our knowledge.

All we need to do is learn how to tap into this secret stream of energy.

And that means getting in touch with our source.

Well how do we do that?

The first thing to realise is that we are not separate. We are all connected. We all share a common source. The energy of the universe is there for all to use.

Where we have to focus however, is not upon the physical realm.

The energy of the universe is far more abundant than the matter.

In fact, Einstein’s equation E=mc2 shows us that there is far more energy than matter in our universe: 99.99999r% more!

What we have learned is that energy is all there is, and matter only manifests because it is vibrating at a lower frequency.

Because we have the power of thought, and because our power of thought can vibrate at whatever frequency we desire, we have the ultimate tool at our disposal for achieving any kind of communication we choose!

Just because we have been led to believe that we are trapped in this sluggish, lower frequency, it doesn’t mean our thoughts have to remain trapped too. And as there is only thought, it’s fair to say that we can choose to vibrate at whatever frequency we desire!!!

So the first step is to know the truth.

It is as simple as that.

Knowing the truth about who and what we really are, frees up our minds and allows them to soar!

Only by knowing the truth can we experience the vitality of thought that can bring us into contact with the spiritual energy of the universe, which is where the thoughts of the Creator dwell.

Believing is not enough.

Having faith is not enough.

You see, belief and faith carry with them the self sabotage of doubt. In fact belief itself hints that there are doubts. Because where there is truth, doubt can never exist. When you know something, there is no need to believe it, you just KNOW IT!!!

So you must allow your mind to KNOW the truth. You have to educate yourself. When you have enough knowledge, you will not need to believe.

Knowing the truth is the first step to reconnecting yourself with your source.

Remember that you have never really been separated, it merely feels like you are apart. The fact that you can interact with the world means that you have a connection. It’s just that the connection is at the lowest level, and is slow and sluggish because of the lower frequency. The energy just takes longer to get through the cycle of peaks and troughs… that’s all! The truth always vibrates at the highest frequency. Lies and deceit always vibrate at the lowest frequency.

So it is our mission in life to get that frequency up as high as we can, then we can soar above the turgid sluggishness of the physical realm, and make contact with the truth. Make contact with the ultimate Cause, the Source of everything, and return home to our birthplace, the mind and energy of the Universal Consciousness!

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