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HR Forum topics Started by Thimmappa Manchale

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HR Forum Replies by Thimmappa Manchale

Very good, I enjoyed reading. Very comprehensive. Best motivation for excellence in performance is to provide a sense of achievement by providing clear and attainable targets, recognition by praise(in public!) and reward for attaining the target, a sense of participation by consulting at every level( not necessarily agreeing!), and providing continuous opportunity for growth especially in helping discover ones unique talents and relating it to organizational objective. Why would anybody go wrong or quit, then?!

Best wishes and regards,
10 HR practices for individuals:

1. Self. Be you true self, do not play act, show off or copy others. We get exposed soon and loose credibility if we do. Be aware of the unique quality which every individual is endowed with and develop it without consideration of deterring extraneous values.

2.Company. Know well the company objectives, ask or read and get convinced about its relevance/importance.

3. Relate. Consciously work out relating your uniqueness to the company's objective and get placed there

4.Relationship. Be congruent with people. Walk the talk. Thoughts and deeds, body and mind, must say the same. People believe us then.

5. Strategy. Win/Win Game. Both, employee and company, labor and management, both should excel. I can win as much I can by only allowing others to win as much as they can. Otherwise, it boomerangs, pulling down each other, turn by turn, starts!

6. Communication. Open and constant one. How you say what you say is most important. Even more important is how much of what is said is reached the other. Do not satisfied with how well, how much and how updated you are in communication, attend to how it reached the other.

7. Expression. Express yourself always, immediately, clearly, emphatically and without hurting others. One can be assertive without being aggressive and of course, submissiveness never helps anybody. Clarity of understading develops through such expressions.

8. Reward and 'Punishment'. Praise whenever 'good' happens from other, immediately and consistently. Similarly, show displeasure whenever 'bad' is committed, immediately and consistently. Both should go hand in hand. Otherwise, specializing in praise only to become popular or for whatever will breed exploitation, specializing in only scolding the bad, will breed hatred.

9. Be aware always of the context, time and place, for whatever we do. Somethings are not good for some time/people and so on. For instance, praise in public and accuse in private. Often we do the opposite under a mistaken notion that if you praise in public, it goes to their head and if accused in public, it teaches them a good lesson. No, never. It vitiates the whole atmosphere. If both are practiced, without specializing, exploitation won't take place.

10. Vision. Let the vision be big, both for the individual and for the company. Pettiness bogs us down, whether it is company's or us. Rg, Veda puts it eloquently: yo vy bhooma tasukham, alpa nasti / those who think big are happy, the petty, never. Think not merely of self-interest, but also of the Company, community/society, region/nation, world and the globe. We will never cause any strife then. We grow, world grow, all together, an ideal situation.

Thimmappa Manchale

Thimmappa Picture

Professor Of Psychology
Bangalore University

Former Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Psychology, Bangalore University.Clinical Psychologist trained in NIMHANS(M.Phil.and PhD from there and was working for few years there afterwards).Was a trainer and consultant in Human Resource Development for Corporate Sector. Now retired from Service since 2006.Interested in Spirituality, Psychological Well-Being.

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