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HR Zone » Human Resource Management » Improving Punctuality/Attendance

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Improving Punctuality/Attendance
Shalini Picture
91 Posts
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Posted 11-08-2009Reply

Hi All

I have recently come across this topic in a different forum and I am intrigued to know your views.

If you were asked to draft a policy on Attendance which of the following options would you rather include

* Reward staff by giving a perk for their attendance and punctuality for a specified period of time.


*Discipline them for repeated lateness & AWOL ?

or both of the above.

Please share your views clearly with your reasoning from your past experiences. If you have not come across such a situation put your thinking caps on and let me know what would you do!

But please... please... do not post theories from text books, I gather that members on this forum are quite used to it!

Look forward to your views.



John Picture
101 Posts
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  Rated +1 | Posted 12-08-2009


There is a reward for punctual attendance : it's called the eligibility to receive a salary.

Set up the margin of freedom (e.g., 3 hrs late in 30 days is OK) you want to allow your employees ; then start accounting anything over and above as leave / loss of pay. To begin with, subject yourself to this rule ; all will fall in line !


Shalini Picture
91 Posts
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  Rated 0 | Posted 12-08-2009

Hi John

Well done, thanks for responding to this.

It's a good approach but unfortunatelly it doesn't work in countries like the UK )I am sure it has it's flaws under US Labor laws to the best of my knowledge), I will explain later as to how it won't work and what measures I ahve taken later. In the meantime keep watching this space, let's see what others are going to come up with.

Appreciate your time and effort.


Diana Picture
836 Posts
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  Rated +5 | Posted 12-08-2009

Hi Shalini,

Good question…

Well, we all know that appreciation & encouragements go a longer way with a positive outcome than punishments & fines which in return gives more negativity.

I know of a company who encourages its employees with some fixed bonus points in case they login before their shift timings (or) if they stay back late to complete their work up to a certain amount of time.

This has its own positive & negative points…

Yes, for sure there will be a lot of competition for employees to clock-in before time & gain the bonus points. But for many it would just be a game!
It can act as a good catalyst in the beginning, but it would lose its color after sometime, if employees don’t really get the essence of it.

Encouraging the “Staying back late”? that has its own disadvantages, you end up having employees working late, just because they have prolonged their actual work on “purpose” to stay back in the evening & gain some points…in case this is to be implemented, coordination & observation by the reporting managers plays a very important role to identify who is genuine & who is not.

The culture of being punctual should be injected, build & developed right from the joining date & to be continued religiously. Employees should understand being “punctual” is a part of their job & the very first step to their profession. HR & the managers’ punctuality would be the best promoter.

Staying back late & completing the task allotted are signs of “commitment” to work & responsibility to their job! This indeed has to be appreciated…

Now a days, companies follow the “flexible” timing method, but again, this needs to be integrated with a very strong system of project management & work-progress monitoring which may or may not be possible for most managers who are busy enough with their own work & day to day targets.

We can always keep a limit for “extra hours” & award the employee(s) who has an average attendance higher than that limit.
It can be a good boost up for the punctual & reminder to the irregulars. This way it will not be a direct hint from the company’s side for being on-time.

On the other hand, the late comers should be dealt with strictly, especially if they are regularly irregular, which not only affects their performance but disturbs their colleagues’ schedules too.

Speaking to them to find out the reason & understand their problems for late coming would be a good start. However, to avoid spreading the virus of “unpunctuality” HR should be firm enough on its decision & actions against the late comers.
Late coming with no prior intimation, sudden “ill” health & unwanted leaves, too many breaks in the office hours…etc. need to be addressed ASAP.
e.g. issuing a memo, deducting their late coming hours as a leave, or may be as LOP?

These rules & policies should be well informed in the induction it self to avoid such cases.

Waiting for others' responses too.


Shalini Picture
91 Posts
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  Rated 0 | Posted 13-08-2009


Thanks for your response. I must say I am very... very impressed with your reply. You have dealt with the crux of the issue, which is what I was looking for.

You hit it. Bulls Eye!

Let's keep watching the space.....


Sri Manjari
Sri Manjari Picture
577 Posts
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  Rated +2 | Posted 13-08-2009

Hi Shalini,

Its a very nice topic you have chosen for discussion and Diana has given an apt reply to it. Most of us think of the actions to be taken after the employees have be become Impunctual or irregular. Instead we should first explore the reasons what are the prime reasons which strike off impunctuality and irregularity.

In my previous organisation we used to have an employee who used to stay very close to the office and still she used to come regularly irregular. And even after coming to office she used to have her breakfast in the working hours and disturbing other employees. And we used hear open comments from rest of the employees about the state of affairs and why the employee is not being reprimanded for the same. Initially we called her for a discussion and tried to know whether there were any issues from the Organisations end or her personal end which is making her impunctual. And we came to know that the employee's pay was unsatisfactory and she was not regularised. Immediately we reviewed her performance and made the employee permanent basing on the performance we raised the pay too. After this the employee became regular and punctual for few days. And again the employee started coming late to office and repeated the same behaviour and then we issued a memo after one more round of discussion. Then we understood that there are no particular reasons but its just laid back attitude on the part of employee and it was creating bad blood in the Organisation so we had to finally terminate the employee.

And in my present organisation, we have a group of employees who were staying late in the office every day and were logging in late every day to office. After thorough discussions we have found out that the employees were bachelors and were staying in hostels. To avoid boredom and to skip buying dinners they used to stay back at office eating their meals at the cost of the company wasting company resources like electricity, computers etc. Then we instructed all employees that they should be working late in the office only upon written instructions from their respective Department Heads. And yes we were successful.

So, the reasons may differ. So would be the action to be taken. But yes definitely some recognition should be given to employees who are productive and at the same time punctual and regular. We should not reward people just because they are puntual and regular.


Shalini Picture
91 Posts
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  Rated 0 | Posted 13-08-2009

Hi Manjari

Thanks for your response. I totally agree with you on your last point, yes why should we reward employees for coming in time to their work? It's their job, they are contracted to do their job and their contract clearly stated the start and finish times of their job during their working days, if they do not make it in time without appropriate reason they are in breach of their contract as simple as that.

Well done. Thanks for all the examples in your post well positioned - no smoke screen (barrage of words). Good one.

Thanks for your time.


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