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Bermuda Traingle
Rohan reddy
Rohan reddy Picture
20 Posts
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Posted 24-09-2008Reply

What do you know about the Bermuda Traingle mystery?Was it solved?

Why cant anybody enter in Bermuda Traingle?? what' s the real fact about it.....??? ( Unsolved Mystery)?

Harish Picture
605 Posts
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  Rated 0 | Posted 03-10-2008

Hi Rohan, there have been various theories put forth by scientists to explain the strange disappearance of aircrafts and ships in the so called imaginary Bermuda Triangle. But if we take a careful look at the data available to us online, many such reported incidents have not been missing aircraft or sea vessels, in the sense they were not missing per se, but its just a myth. In many instances there have been logical explanations given by scientists as to the exact reason for the crashes. Some pilots reported their compasses started behaving weirdly when they were approaching the bermuda triangle. There is also another school of thought which says that there is another similar triangle on exactly opposite side of the globe near Japan, where also there have been umpteen number of cases reported for missing sea vessels and aircrafts. This theory suggests that millions of years ago, maybe the earth had these two as the poles of it and hence the gravitational pull at these two places is above normal. Hence compasses start acting differently when we are near these two locations. I am not an authority on this topic, I am just sharing what I read about it online as I am also very much interested in unraveling the mystery of these two places.

Cheers !!!

Arvind Picture
81 Posts
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  Rated 0 | Posted 03-10-2008

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels have disappeared or are alleged to have disappeared. Some people have claimed that these disappearances fall beyond the boundaries of human error or acts of nature. Popular culture has attributed some of these disappearances to the paranormal, a suspension of the laws of physics, or activity by extraterrestrial beings. Though a substantial body of documentation exists showing numerous incidents to have been inaccurately reported or embellished by later authors, and numerous official agencies have gone on record as stating the number and nature of disappearances to be similar to any other area of ocean, many have remained unexplained despite considerable investigation.

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