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Career Development » Training » BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION

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Rohit Picture
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Posted 29-12-2008Reply

1. Distortion of message: Our mouth is capable of speaking around 100-120 in a minute. However our mind can process 450 words in a minute. Thus when anyone talks to us, we hear what they say, but we also add words and meanings from our brain. Those words get mixed up with whatever the person says, and later it is difficult to remember what was actually said and what was added by us.

2. Past Experiences: We judge everything according to our past experience. Whilst each situation needs to be analyzed and evaluated individually. We tend to be prejudiced about situations depending what we are used to and expect things to happen in a particular way.

3. Failure to listen: Our mouth can speak 100-120 words in a minute and our ears can listen up to 240 word in a minute. But generally we do not use these sense organs in the actual ratio. Effective listening requires hearing and understanding.

4. Faulty Perception: This generally happens in the encoding and decoding stages. We tend to attach our views and perception to the message and as result it loses its purity.

5. Fear: Fear plays a very important role as a source of communication barrier in organization. The fear of the “BOSS” or superior is a prime example of this. Very often one fails to communicate and this results in a breakdown.

6. Badly Expressed message: Sometimes people do not speak clearly or do not use proper words. This especially happens when not enough stress is given to the encoding stage. When we do not use the non-verbal aspects of communication like emphasis, pause during transmission the actual message is lost.

7. Language: Especially in India where we speak diverse languages and tend to mix them up, the chances of a communication breakdown always exits.

8. Exaggeration: It is important not to sell the benefits of your products. Claiming that your product is the best, finest may not sound believable to the customer

9. Ego: If you wish that communication is effective, keep your ego out f it. Many a communication breakdowns have happened due to the ‘bloated’ ego.

10. Physical Distractions : Poor acoustics, bad phone connections, illegible copy, Uncomfortable chair, poor lighting, health problems are annoyances that can block communication

11. Information Overload : Too much of information makes it difficult to assess what is appropriate and can effect thinking and communication

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