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10 Quick Ways to relax
Preetha Picture
115 Posts
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Posted 17-07-2009Reply

The Ten Quick Ways

1. Smile

Just sit there and smile. Like a fool, yes, but a relaxed fool. We are Pavlov's dogs. We smile when we are happy, but we can cheat our psyches by smiling first and becoming lighter next. So smile. Widely.

2. Drink some water

This works for me. Maybe it's a soothing, flowing activity; maybe the water actually does something to the digestion or something; who cares? It works.

3. Breathe Deep

This, as you know, will distress you fast. When breathing in, imagine peace coming in and filling your being, and making you as light as a balloon, colour of your choice, but ideally no red. Green or blue maybe. When exhaling, or breathing out, imagine stress and problems leaving you.

4. Beauty Treatment 1

There's something soothing about letting somebody fiddle about with your hair and face. So take a trip to the salon or the hairdresser's. If you can afford the time and money, a massage or a steam bath or both.

5. Beauty Treatment 2

Look at beautiful things. Sceneries, children, cute animals, people. Visit hubs that are beautiful. Change your desktop image into a beautiful picture. Do a Google image search on landscapes.

6. Sharpen a pencil

There are many such rhythmic activities which relax you fast. Er...yes, I know what you're thinking...that, too! Stroke your pet, brush your hair, dance, ride a bicycle, hop on to your treadmill. Mix it with some slow music if possible. Rhythm soothes the stressed out beast.

7. Water Treatment

Take a bath, never fails for me. Or swim, if you can. Or dance in the rain. Or stand under a waterfall, if you live close to one. No, not the Niagara.

8. Meditate

Meditating isn't always twisting your body into a fancy knot and mumbling things. Sit still, breathe rhythmic, think beautiful thoughts. No, drowning your neighbor in clear soup is not beautiful! Love your neighbor. Think beauty, love, peace...

9. Laugh

Best thing ever! Laugh out loud, and the world will think you're crazy. Let them! It will relax them too! That's social service you're doing! Read jokes on the web, or wherever. Read my other hubs; that will make me laugh, too! Thank you!

10. Play

Not a frog game on your computer. Unless you have murderous instincts towards your neighbors and want to let off steam. Then that's better than doing any constructive destruction.

I actually meant playing with a child or a pet. Have you noticed that children don't suffer from much stress till they are introduced to adult things like grades and stuff?

Source: Internet
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