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How Important is Desire?

Views 6 Views    Comments 0 Comments    Share Share    Posted by 01-04-2009  
“If you want something and don’t get it, that means you really didn’t want it, or you tried to bargain over the price.”

How do you keep your fire of desire lit? Desire really is the reason behind everything we do. It is the base-rock of all our achievements. Without desire few if any accomplishments will be seen in your life. It is one of those intangible items of life. Necessary but unseen. Absolutely essential if I want to become successful.

Desire is what keeps you from sitting in front of the TV set all evening or even just for a show or two. Desire is what keeps you from going out with friends to the local coffee house and solving all the problems of the world. It is desire that makes you pick up the phone one more time. It is desire that arranges one more business prospecting meeting. It is desire that keeps you going when you feel like it is quitting time.

But desire does not just keeping burning by it self. It is just like a campfire that needs to continually be watched and cared for. More wood needs to be put on. The coals may need to be stirred. You cannot have heat without a flame. You do not want a campfire that just gives off smoke. It may look like there is a something there but that is all – just looks like something promising.

Almost everyone at sometime or other gets caught up in a passing fancy. Fads come and go. Often we let our desire operate like a fad. Something comes along and looks appealing so we “give it a try.” We want to see if it is something that will just take off and burn brightly without a lot of effort on our part. Not long after another opportunity catches our eye and so we give that a try for a little while. Success will never be found when you go from one opportunity to the next. Never really being committed to learn and perfect the business. These passing moments of desire will never help you get to where you want to go.

There are a whole lot fewer people who have a desire burning like a blazing fire. They are committed to keep that fire burning. Top achievers and income earners have an obsession to accomplish their goals in life. A challenge becomes and opportunity to learn. When they think about the possibilities and rewards of what they are doing it is better a caffeine injection with an espresso.

We must always have a clear desire of what we want to accomplish or where we want to get to. If we don’t we will take the first exit that comes along after a disappointment of a lost sale. If you have a Plan ‘B’ then Plan ‘A’ will fail. Your desire cheers you on. Your desire gives you hope. Your desire gives you inspiration and energy.

Developing a desire does not automatically happen. You must feed and care for that desire. This consuming desire cannot be seen or touched. But those you come in contact will know if you have it or not. Those who have great desire are people we greatly respect.

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