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how to make things even better than they already are

Comments 0 Comments   Views 5 Views     About 15-07-2009

It sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?  "Change your thinking, change everything."

It sounds too good to be true because it is.  
And then again, it isn't.

Why It's Not Just About Thoughts
If you dream of doing something in your life, nothing is truly going to change until action is attached to it.  I once heard Marianne Williamson use an analogy that has stuck with me.  She said something along the lines of, "You can sit in the dark.  You can analyze the dark.  You can even understand why it's dark.  But until you get up and turn on the light, it will continue to be dark."

So no.  Just changing your thoughts is not enough.

What You're Thinking
Are you even aware of what you're thinking?  Most often, we're not.  Most often, we're going through life on auto-pilot.  We go to school, we get married, we get the job, the house, the 2 kids and the 2 cars.  We go to church (or don't).  We work out (or don't).  We just do all these things in our lives's what everyone else did.  

And maybe, while doing all that, we got what we wanted.  We reached our goals.  We have a life that externally looks the way we wanted it to.  But there's still something missing.  We're still unfulfilled.  

So we look around, but now feel stuck, because we've got responsibilities.  Worse yet, we feel guilty because things look pretty good from the outside.  
What Happens When We Become Aware?
At this point, we might panic.  We might think this means we need a complete life overhaul!

Sometimes, though, that's not true.  

It might turn out that a simple change in the way we think is all we need to move into a realm of greater possibility and a more fulfilling life. 

Did you watch Ben Zander?
If you skipped that video, go back and watch it.  It's not just about music.  Maestro Zander gives plenty of examples of a change in thinking, and how that affects our approach in life.  And the way we approach what we do will have a profound impact on the results we achieve.

It isn't required that we be miserable or living lives of quiet desperation to tap into this.  Ben Zander has been a successful conductor for decades.  He could have continued being a successful conductor in the eyes of the world. 

Instead, he made one small change.  His purpose shifted to bringing out the best in his players, to look for those shining eyes.  He changed what he thought, connecting with a greater purpose, and then took actions that corresponded with that purpose and those thoughts.

Do you need a life overhaul?
Do you need a complete life overhaul? Or could you connect with what you're meant to do, your purpose, change your thinking, and step into the next level of success and fulfillment in your life?  

What will you choose to think differently about today?
All the best!

P.S.  If you want to connect with a deeper sense of purpose, or learn how to change your life by changing your thoughts, or need to make major changes in your life....this telecourse can help.  Click over and see what changes others who have taken the course have made and what they're saying.  And then sign up, because spaces are filling up and registration ends July 31.

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