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HR News » 22 Ways Employees Benefit From Their Own Engagement
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22 Ways Employees Benefit From Their Own Engagement

Comments 0 Comments   Views 27 Views     About 28-07-2009

Employee engagement from the employee’s perspective.

Here are 22 reasons why we as employees benefit from our own high caliber engagement:

Our life and work will  be richer and more fulfilling when we are engaged in our work.
We will leave work each day  with a stronger sense of satisfaction.
Our engagement will achieve results that matters to us, our organization, and our clients.
High levels of engagement is the fast train to career development.
Our engagement will rub off on customers and clients and we will find that customers and clients are easier to work with.
If we are parents, our engagement at work will offer a positive and constructive role model of work for our children.
We prevent ourselves from becoming disengaged victims — seeing the company as the enemy, leaders as villains, and being unhappy with our lot in life.
Engagement contributes to our authentic happiness at work.
We engage differently in various tasks and projects and our maximum engagement will indicate the best type of work for us to do.
We will learn our working strengths by finding those things that are easiest for us to engage with.
Our work will be a robust expression of our service for others.
We contribute to the economic value of the organization - the organization must remain viable for us to be valuable.
Work is love made visible, when we engage fully in our work we express our passion and become more visible to all.
Engagement is an authentic pathway to personal branding.
Robust engagement more than fulfills our half of the employment contract.
Our engagement will contribute to other employee’s engagement.
We will have more fun at work when we are engaged.
We tend to also be more engaged in things outside of work when we are fully engaged with work.
We can carry on our engaged approach to work into retirement and not find a drop in satisfaction when we retire.
Engagement makes us active agents in our own work.
When we are fully engaged we are less likely to be afraid to challenge others and the organization to be their best.
We can’t be bored if we are engaged and time will fly at work.

What are additional benefits you see for employees to engage fully in their work?

David Zinger, M.Ed., is a leading expert on employee engagement. He is committed to creating authentic and sustained employee engagement for the benefit of all. Contact David at (204) 254-2130 or Email dzinger@shaw.ca.

Photo Credit: eye on Flickr by http://www.flickr.com/photos/helgabj/1074000287/

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